Stream as a List

Stream is the main type in FS2. We're going to develop several mental models to understand how Stream works. We'll start with a really simple model: Stream is just a fancy List.

Working With Stream

We can construct a Stream just like we'd construct a List.

import fs2.*

val s = Stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// s: Stream[[x >: Nothing <: Any] => Pure[x], Int] = Stream(..)

As you can see from what is printed, it is indeed a fancy List. We have some odd type parameter, and it's so fancy that it doesn't print its value.

We can see it does contain the values we expect by converting it to a List.

// res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

We can do the majority of the things we'd do with a List with Stream. Here's another example. => x + 1).toList
// res1: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

You don't need me to reiterate the List API here, as I'm sure you're familiar with it. It's time for you to write some code. Go and do the code exercise in code/src/main/scala/introduction/01-list.scala.

Streaming Algorithms: Kahan Summation

We haven't yet seen what differentiates a Stream from a List, but we've seen enough to look at our first streaming algorithm. This algorithm, known as Kahan summation, performs the apparently simple job of summing numbers.

Floating point numbers are kinda goofy. One issue is that they have finite precision. This can lead to surprising results from simple arithmetic. Let's see an example with Float, instead of Double, as it's easier to see the problem with lower precision numbers.

Here's one billion written as a Float. (Did you know you can use the _ separator in Scala to write numbers? I didn't until recently. The f suffix makes the literal a Float instead of Double.)

val billion = 1_000_000_000.0f
// billion: Float = 1.0E9F

Let's add 40,000 to it.

billion + 40_000f
// res2: Float = 1.00004E9F

Easy enough. Let's do the same in a roundabout way.

(billion :: List.fill(10_000)(4.0f)).foldLeft(0.0f)(_ + _)
// res3: Float = 1.0E9F

Hmmm. We are out by 40,000. This occurs because a Float can only store between 6 and 9 decimal digits of precision. As a result, one billion (represented as a Float) plus one rounds to one billion.

1_000_000_000f + 1f
// res4: Float = 1.0E9F

There are three possible solutions:

  1. we can use a higher precision numeric type;
  2. we can cry, because life is unfair;
  3. we can use a clever algorithm like Kahan summation.

For this exercise we'll choose option 3.

The Wikipedia explanation is clear enough that I'm not going to repeat a description here. Implement Kahan summation in code/src/main/scala/introduction/02-kahan.scala.