
Paths are a way to construct complex shapes. A path specifies how to control a virtual pen to draw a line. There are three different commands that a path can contain:

Here's an example of creating a path. Notice that it has examples of all of the different components above.

import doodle.core._
import doodle.syntax.all._

val path =
    .lineTo(100, 100)
    .curveTo(90, 75, 90, 25, 10, 10)
    .moveTo(100, 100)
    .curveTo(75, 90, 25, 90, 10, 10)

Drawing this path creates the output below.

You probably noticed this is a ClosedPath, which suggests there is also an OpenPath. This is correct. The difference is how the path ends. If a ClosedPath doesn't end at the point it started (which is the origin), it will have a straight line inserted joining the end to the start. An OpenPath will not.

Here's an example showing the difference. We create a curve, drawn as an open and a closed path. Notice how the open path is just a curve, while the closed path has an extra line added joining the start and end points.

val open =
  OpenPath.empty.curveTo(90, 0, 100, 10, 50, 50).path.strokeColor(

val closed =
  ClosedPath.empty.curveTo(90, 0, 100, 10, 50, 50).path.strokeColor(

val paths = open.beside(closed)
