Writing to a File

An Image or Picture can be written to a file as well as displaying it on screen. The file formats you can write depend on the backend you're using:

Most people will use the Java2D backend and the examples below show this.


You need the normal imports to do anything with Doodle. Here are the imports for Picture and the JVM backend.

import doodle.core.*
import doodle.syntax.all.*
import doodle.java2d.*
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global

You'll also need an additional import to write output:

import doodle.core.format.*

This import makes available the standard formats supported by Doodle.

Writing to a File

Call the write method to write to a file, giving the format as a type parameter and the file name as a String parameter. For example, to write a PNG to the file called "circle.png"

val circle = Picture.circle(100)

Instead of using Png you could use Gif or Jpg to specify those file formats. You'd probably want to change the file name as well if you change the format. That's it! Your masterpiece is now ready to share with the world.
